Saturday, November 14, 2020


 Go on saying never

makes us both a fool, 

for your love must be fleeting

to not have that hold. 

I knew from the start

when one question I asked,

and you looked at me 

and simply laughed. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

 At some point we lose those we love

and I am rather numb. 

Happy Birthday Jesus

 They call it the melting pot but I think the newer generations forgot why our families migrated to the United States in the first place. Wars, lack of freedom, attack on religion and hope for a better future. Times are changing faster than people can react. It appears that Christians are bending over backwards and in the process losing the freedom that they once took for granted. It isn't "happy holidays" it is Happy Birthday Jesus or Merry Christmas. More than ever we need the goodness in our lives not just on Jesus's Birthday but everyday of the year. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Book

 In the puzzle of life 

we spend a lifetime trying to find the pieces.


Some people get a page, some get a chapter 

and than there are the people in your life who want the whole book..,

maybe those are the keepers. They are there through the worst of 

times and the best of times. 

One Soul

 The child within 

was carried for a long time,

surfacing through tough times

stronger than the mind.

Stored away the memories,

sorted through at times,

no one could understand

the road that twisted andd


Friday, November 6, 2020

We are what we perceive ourselves to be.

 Life is about our perception of what it is. We see what we want to see, experience what we want to experience. Therefore we have the power to alter the journey with merely a thought or an action. It's a bit like denial if we deny our reality we have altered the outcome. To know the truth is not the same as accepting the truth. I always called that experience, " little red flags." You see them, you know where they lead and yet you refuse to accept the reality therefore altering it. The mind is incredible it can create pain or the opposite by removing the negative  we can get a sense of healing. We are the energy of the universe and in our awareness of our being one  we accept the journey. Traveling through love, heartache, sorrow, sadness , happiness to find that we are merely a product of our own actions. Drawn to the experience even when we know that the outcome will be less than perfect. Our emotions not necessarily triggers but part of the fall out of time and space. It is partly like being aware of your surroundings. My first experience with this awareness was when my children were quite young . I had dropped them off at school and went uptown to do a little window shopping. In the back of the store were collectibles and a man standing behind me. It was something in his eyes . I am not sure that it was evil but maybe a bit of fear. I looked around at my surroundings. There was the cashier in the front of the store , a silence and at that Moment I found myself locked into his eyes. I knew at that moment that he would hold that store up. I walked out of the store and said to the cashier time to pick up the children. Even though I had just dropped them off. I wanted him to know that I had a family incase he might have had some conscience. I walked across the street and told them the gift shop across the street is being held up. He indeed pulled a gun on her and robbed the store. The grocery store owner began to chase the thief down the street. Did my awareness alter the situation or was I just a part of an experience that was somehow out of my hands? That brings me to love relationships. You sense that something is not right and you tuck it in the back of your mind. But in all reality the experience of denial will surface. Honesty, trust, respect are merely a few steps in the journey. They are like a train on its tracks we move forward sparking the emotions. Knowing very well we set ourselves up for a sort of heartbreak. Created for the experience or experiencing the creation, either way our journey is unique to each and everyone us. I walked outside quickly gazed at the leaves as they were falling like a carpet upon the earth. I felt the wind against my face and knew I was in the middle of this experience that makes us one with our surroundings. Did we change the journey for those we met or do the people we meet change the journey for us? In all reality we are one , we can't shake it as it is now a part of who we are.  Our wisdom of time surfaces and the knowledge brings a new awareness. Each frame of life can be played out independently of itself. Sometimes it's a matter of circumstance that lays the foundation but it always intuitively or not our choice. We are the directors of our own path , to walk, stumble and fall and yes to get back up. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020


 How many tears do we weep?

How much sorrow can be had?

How many days on this earth?

The thoughts can drive one 


Tears never stop coming

and the sorrow never ends, 

our days on this earth are limited

and only known by the heavens 


My pillow knows the stories,

the whispers I have told, 

some are not to unique 

and they're never to grow
